CCS and the Missing Pieces...

Have you ever started a puzzle and immediately got overwhelmed by the amount of pieces there are? You begrudgingly start sorting the pieces knowing full well that the organizing alone will take forever. 

Now, have you ever started a business and immediately got overwhelmed by the amount of pieces there are to a production line? Or by the shear load of knowledge and experience that you admittedly know you don’t have yet? 

Finally, imagine being in this business for years and you’re still trying to find ways to simplify your production process. 

From our experience, we know that creating a simple but efficient production process is time consuming, frustrating, and that stumbling over hurdles is inevitable. 

We. Hear. You. And we’re HERE for you.

Chicago Coding Systems has racked up more than six decades of experience, which means our team has also encountered our fair share of failures, too.

In the office, we frequently discuss how those missteps benefit us and continually teach us lessons that ultimately help us guide our clients in the right direction. President of CCS, Rob Wienhoff, has thirty-two years of experience alone, which allows him to see obstacles that our clients may have overlooked. 

In other words, it’s like our clients are putting together a puzzle, but they only have 60% of the pieces. With more than sixty years of experience under our belt, CCS can provide you with the missing pieces (sometimes with just one glance).

Here’s an example: A few weeks ago, Rob and our Account Manager, Dardan, went to a client’s facility to get a better understanding of the obstacles our client was facing in their production process. In this short visit, Rob and Dardan suggested three to four other changes that could be made to improve productivity and ultimately reduce downtime. 

By automating multiple sections of this client’s production line, we were able to free up two or three employees and send them to the end of the line for the final packaging phase. These changes resulted in faster packaging, printing, and labeling, as well as having uniform label applications on every product. 

All in all, we love to puzzle. This is part of the process that we enjoy because we get to take all of our experience (hiccups included) and pass that knowledge along to those who are hungry to improve their process, their productivity, and their business.

Are you looking to fill in the missing pieces and improve your production process? Give us a call at (630) 377-4664 or follow the link to our website for more information on the systems we sell and how we work.